Wednesday, April 26, 2006


The answer is not to wish away the truth.
The answer is inside the truth.
Trying to find a way to hear the truth and for it not to hurt so bad.
The truth is not that Mark died. It is not the truth for me!
The truth is that Mark lives forever. In my heart. In my ears. In my life. In the Spring blossoms. On the river. Behind the drums. In the stories and memories of each of us who know him.
This is what Mark and I did together. We always tried to figure it out. When I would hear "ex-act-ly" I knew I was on the right track and that Mark was with me! I will continue to search for the truth- he expects no less of me. It may be easier now...his voice coming from within. I have learned to trust that voice and to act. One thing we did figure out perfectly is love. Maybe you already know the truth about love, if you don't, here it is-
Love is real.
Love lasts.
Love needs nothing more than to be.

And now as my face wants to cry, my heart shouts out - but look! Love lives on!
I hear love's voice, I see the tulips starting life all over again!

In a way no other can, Mark gently pushes each of us blessed by knowing him to be a more creative human being. All the while convincing us that we can do it. All the while reassuring us that we are pretty amazing just as we are. All the while entertaining us in so many ways- making the journey an awesome road trip!
The wildly happy days of easy life in Columbus were a gift. Mark knew it. He appreciated the time, the place and the people who filled his life there. Life with Mark was also a gift. Given for a short time, all pain hidden and only light and hope shining like the stars above the cabin on the Goulais.

Through Mark's life and with Mark's passing those of us still watching those stars are wiser. We have realized the preciousness of friendship, the miracle of love, the gift of time and the wonder of it all. Mark will be with us forever. His life has eternally changed ours. His spirit lightens our load of sorrow. His accepting laughter echoes in our ears. The purity of his love holds us and holds us together. We will not wonder what might have been. We will stand amazed at what was and forever will be.

I love you, Brother!


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