Mark Greenwood was one of the most sensitive and caring musicians I've ever had the honor of sharing music with. So many others have said such beautiful things about him here and at the memorial, I can only add that from the first time I heard his playing, I thought he was unique. He played with such energy! Later when I got to know him better as a musician I KNEW he was special. He was a brilliant producer, a great song writer ( he would often complete my thoughts! ), a great drummer ( one of only a handful of drummers that could play ANY style ) with a wonderful and slightly twisted musical sense of humor, a great engineer and of course, you all know - a great person. I had so many wonderful times in his company!
I wish a huge thanks to everyone that gave their time and efforts to the memorial and thanks to all that attended. It really was beautiful.
I have a small web gallery of scanned photos ( some from Tim Perdue, Rae Gandolf and Alicia )
Mark Greenwood Photo GalleryIf you have photos that you would like to add, feel free to
contact me.